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Bunker Portal not activing - Herbarium Forest

Just finished mobs in bunker to activate portal in bunker of Herbarium Forest. Pillar not even showing any interactions to activate it.
about 19 hours ago in Bugs 1 Open


Dumplings are listed in the Tier 3 food section, but when you go to craft them they are actually labeled at Tier 2 food. I'm using Tier 3 and Tier 4 ingredients and getting Tier 2 food. I've attached screenshots
1 day ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

The Watch

Make the watch great again. The Watch is great mid game social goal. however the new update killed it. no one goes there with the boss rush aval. Make the Watch have more vendors and a daily or weekly quest provider, also the Vaults need to go bac...
2 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Trees regrown under certain structures can become Invincible

Description: It has been observed that stumpless trees can be regrown by Carnute in spots where player had built plant boxes and plant pots - Trees regrown can become Invincible State: Actively being worked on Workarounds: - Do not build Planters ...
6 months ago in Bugs 11 Fix Live

Maps and Annotaion

Is there a way that we can get the ability to make notes on our maps? Example, I found a location with a large outcropping of ore. I know that there is an ore icon, but it would be nice to be able to note what ore it is and a general quantity. If ...
6 months ago in Feedback 4 Open

most elements of the glamour menu are incorrectly labeled

The different labeled elements of the glamour menu are, to be honest, a complete trainwreck. Especially for tools. You'll have blades labelled as hilts and vice versa, wood colors applying to what should be cloth, cloth applying to wood, it's a co...
9 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Fabled harpy meat is too rare

Many of us are spending all of our time just trying to get this one item. Something seems very wrong with this drop. Obviously it's very strong and should be a very low chance, but I've killed nearly 500 harpies and haven't seen a single meat. The...
5 months ago in Feedback 13 Open

Please let us make clothes that do not look like leopard skin, cow hide, and bugs...

Fantastic game, wonderful update! But the clothing materials design is still just terrible, sorry guys. Not everyone wants to look like Peg Bundy all the time in leopard skin with disgusting bright purple and lime green blotches. Not everyone is s...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Add glowing materials to use in crafting or glamour station

Add glowing materials to use in crafting or glamour stationThere is only that many colors in palette to choose from, so to enrich crafting fashion and glamour trends it would be awesome to add some materials that are glowing. For example, the more...
10 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Companion transfer Equivalence

Can we get a "equivalent" option when transferring items from inventory to companion inventory. Would be a nice QOL and help speed up transfers while adventuring!
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open