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Bunker Portal not activing - Herbarium Forest

Just finished mobs in bunker to activate portal in bunker of Herbarium Forest. Pillar not even showing any interactions to activate it.
4 days ago in Bugs 3 Under Investigation

Bound mortar fixated on automaton storage.

Out and about in the desert Gauntlet realm at night, a pack of bound spawned near to my location consisting of 2 mortar units and a lamplighter. The lamplighter and one of the mortars attacked me as normal, but the other mortar unit started to att...
about 15 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Sword Bug

So I made a sword. Made up just fine only one problem doesn't equip. Throws a files are corrupt error on start up since i made it. Exited game would not stop so had to manually stop it.Ran verify rebooted and Go back and test please!
4 months ago in Bugs 21 Fix Live

Azazel immune to dmg

Azazel is immune to all damage. We have tried it with different weapons. Various restarts didn't help either.
3 months ago in Bugs 9 Fix Live

Inactive Pale Pylon Bug

In Pandora's Bane after giving the NPC the heart and starting the inactive pale plyon bug, the screen frooze the entire time and jumped around.
7 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Boss Rush Crash

Tried: Magwytch and Jabberwock, and Boss Rush portals Issues: I don't have run animation, I can't change weapons, weapons wont show unless you fire, bosses missing. All 3 of us crashed at the same time twice
19 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Lanterns critical stat not contributing to the character stats.

Issue: Lanterns' bonus crit (and damage) currently applies only to the off-hand, which results in underwhelming attacks, such as dealing only 21 damage. Considering that lanterns are categorized as weapons, their current functionality renders them...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Fix Live

Creatures Move After Death

Creatures move through walls or several feet after they die and are approached. Sometimes resulting in strange positions. Such as frogs tounges being fully extended.
26 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Blastminer trap does no damage

Regardless of power level, Blastminer's Trap deals no damage and has no other noticeable effects. Also, the trap's trigger radius is too small to be really useful even for the damage it did previously, and since it doesn't persist when other encha...
16 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Boss rush not reseting

Dying on lvl 21 boss rushSends me back to the first room with teleporterButton for resetting doesnt work, no prompts at all Ive died about 10 times on the same boss, boss hp doesnt reset so i can chip it away bit at a timeReopening the portals put...
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Open