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Louis got blasted into a corner of the building when attacked and is now stuck

trying to do the escort quest with louis when we were attacked by bound he got stuck in a wall
about 13 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Crouching doesn't crouch from the players perspective

Crouching doesn't crouch from the players perspective. visual height stays the same making figuring out if you are crouched at a glance impossible unless another player can see you crouched and tell you. Camera veiw should drop down in crouch as w...
about 24 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Got trapped between parts of the building above the sewer

I was looking for what sounded like a hope Echo in the sewers in Pandora's Bane. Found a weird exit to a place under the ground. Used grapping hooks to latch onto buildings, got stick in between buildings. No escape!
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Parry while gliding

While gliding and equipped with a knife or sword, using the parry function will drain stamina as though the parry had been used despite no action having been taken.
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Umbrella glide does not always trigger

When triggering glide with the umbrella, sometimes it will only produce the sound but not glide. By the time you notice this, chances are, you fell too far already and need to climb back up. I've reported this before the wipe already. Does not app...
6 months ago in Bugs 6 Fix Live

Game is hard freezing when switching weapons or tools

When I try to switch from one tool or weapon to another to or weapon the game freezes up to 5 seconds. For instance - I have the sickle active in my hands, I get attacked so I click '1' to get the mining pick, the game locks up/freezes from 3 to 5...
25 days ago in Bugs 2 Open

climbing picks right mouse click doesn't work.

Spontaneously couldn't use righ click. Right click to block with knife works, but not with climbing picks. Couldn't climb with normal jump either. Tried to remap the button .. didn't work. Had to travel to respit for it to work again equally 'spon...
3 months ago in Bugs 6 Open

Travelling on the side

I've respawned to my respite and rather than landing on my feet I've landed on my side and I can't get upright again. The rest of the camera fuctions are all rotated 90 degrees as well.
4 months ago in Bugs 2 Fix Live

NPC constantly fidgeting while standing

My recruit doesn't stand still after the update, she just keeps shifting awkwardly over and over in the same animation.
12 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Climbing picks bug out so you can't climb

Sometimes when climbing your picks bug out and you can no longer grab a ledge to climb or climb a wall with the picks. It is an annoying issue as fixing it seems to always require a game restart. Also sometimes you can just get stuck on a ledge wh...
6 months ago in Bugs 6 Fix Live