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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 18, 2024

Climbing picks bug out so you can't climb

Sometimes when climbing your picks bug out and you can no longer grab a ledge to climb or climb a wall with the picks. It is an annoying issue as fixing it seems to always require a game restart. Also sometimes you can just get stuck on a ledge when trying to climb and your character starts vibrating in place.
Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Movement
Realms Gloriana's Tears
Minor Realm Cards Treasury
Steps to Reproduce climb a lot ans you should come across the issue at some point.
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  • Guest
    Sep 25, 2024

    Also quite often when you grapple to a wall, the pick doesn't engage to hold onto the wall and you fall, unable to re-engage the pick.

  • Guest
    Sep 22, 2024
    This happens to me often in online mode but never in offline mode. When this happens I can no longer mantle, climb with picks, or crouch. Only a restart fixes the issue, that I've found so far
  • Guest
    Sep 22, 2024

    Exactly the same problem. Once you zipline to the surface you wish to climb, there's no purchase on the surface and you immediately drop. Restarting the game resets the puzzle and you have to start over. An utter pain.