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2 bugs - Climbing picks and Umbrella

Climbing picks - When I go to climb while standing next to wall, my character chooses to attack the wall instead. I keep shifting through different keys, but it's not consistent and something I have to fall off by wall to trigger a climb. Grappling works fine.

Umbrella - When jumping down from where I climbed up I landed awkwardly on a ledge that was on the ground, my stamina was at about 5 when I landed. My stamina was no longer regenerating. I didn't see any odd conditions that would be stopping it. Character looked to still be fed and rested. Sleeping again didn't fix it. Drinking a potion does restore the stamina, but once it hits 0 again I can't do anything other than walk and interact. Had to log out then log back in to fix.

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Collisions, Controls, Tools/Gear
Realms Abeyance
Minor Realm Cards None
Steps to Reproduce I can replicate climbing picks (as described above), I can't replicate the umbrella
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