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Granville Tailer Woods is stuck under the dock

Granville has managed to get stuck under the dock. I still need to talk to him to complete the quest A Lost Spark. I tried re-logging as well as traveling back to respite then to the city and he is still way below the building.
about 23 hours ago in Bugs 6 Under Investigation

Terrain clip in Nightingale City

Was wandering in the area of the Pale Pylon and found a narrow passage between two buildings. Entering the passage dropped me down roughly my height below the terrain with no way back up. Coordinates in the attached bug screenshot.
about 7 hours ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation

Tudor Stove

Tudor stove does not have proper description
about 9 hours ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation


Dumplings are listed in the Tier 3 food section, but when you go to craft them they are actually labeled at Tier 2 food. I'm using Tier 3 and Tier 4 ingredients and getting Tier 2 food. I've attached screenshots
1 day ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

Recruit drops chest but doesn't leave as companion

My recruit/survivor has dropped 2 boxes as if I dismissed them, even though I have not. Both boxes contain my recruit's inventory, plus my recruit still has the same items in their inventory. It doesn't impact progression but is a cheat as it dupl...
3 months ago in Bugs 11 Under Investigation

Structures can become Invisible in Multiplayer Servers

Description: Occasionally, when one player is working on an Estate while another player goes off and explore, the server can get into a state where it doesn't know how to make structures visible right away. Exact Repro: - Player A and B are workin...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

Skinning Not Working Consistently

Skinning is not entirely reliable. In every Realm so far, I occasionally have problems skinning a mob.It is by far most pronounced in Swamps. I find it helps to move around, gather anything under or next to the mob (rocks, plants, etc) but this do...
6 months ago in Bugs 10 Under Investigation

cant remove, complete or target chandeliers

when in build mode i cant remove, complete or target specific chandeliers,when trying to remove the chandelier it acts like something is there but it wont do anything
19 days ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

Lantern Pendant Chandelier not working

The small hanging chandelier is able to be built on the ceiling, but it produces no light at all.
4 months ago in Bugs 5 Under Investigation

"Return to The Crossways" in multiplayer

I am playing in multiplayer, and I have been playing in my team-mates Abeyance realm. Clicking "Return to The Crossways" returns me to the crossways on my original Abeyance realm rather than the crossways of the abeyance realm that I am acively pl...
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation