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Can't find Puck in the Crossways

Got back from the first site of power and was told to find Puck in the Crossways. Well he ain't there. This appears to be a game breaking bug, and if it's not and I'm just missing something, then this scenario needs to be reworked a little.
about 1 month ago in Bugs 1 Open

T6 Arcanist

It seems that since the sword hotfix, T6 Arcanist Infusions don't drop. Either that or I have absolutely horrendous rng.
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

my friend can't pick up items on my world

I'm playing with my friend and there are times when he can't pick up items from the ground even though he's not overweight, he tries to pick up the item and it jumps and goes back to the ground. We have tried to see if it was weight or if it was s...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open


Hello I just recently started playing and I am stuck at the Bishop I keep getting the drop in the desert but it keeps despawning anytime I mass pick up or single pick ups I went through the thread and found that people were only finding it in the ...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

I can't find Puck

I just defeated the Jabberwock. However, I forgot to collect the abeyance knowledge and went back to camp. So I had to defeat the Jabberwock again. So the quest said go back to Puck at the crossroad, but when I went back, he did not spawn and I ca...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

Encounted a bug with Joan of Arc's questline

A fellow player encountered a bug involving the JOA quest line. The building the fort part of the quest, involving building 5 beds, a refined workbench, sewing bench and alchemical boiler became un-completable as the benches where not being labele...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Us autistic people are getting MURDERED by your high-pitched ringing sounds.

Is there any chance we could get an option to turn down or change the pitch on the various high-pitched ringing sounds in the game? I've heard from the fifth ND person (sensory issues ahoy!) that I've been playing with that they've routinely had t...
3 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Glyphs appear in mid-air

In a vault from the Watch, I had a glyph for a bastille of insight appear in mid air, without a binding structure.
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Some spell ideas

I just had a few simple spell ideas that might make interacting with magic more interesting and add some more utility: A water Travel Spell - Maybe some kind of spell to allow us to have underwater breath and swim speed, alternately a spells that ...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Consumables choose by Q

Hi, if you are cooking consumables uc the outcome, but I do not see if I choose the food when I´ve create a few from same type but diff stats. Can u please check if it is possible to see this when hoover over? THX a lot
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open