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Animal fiber from 2 to 1

When creating animal fiber from meat or fish, I would like the number of requirements to be 1 instead of 2. Most crafts that require cloth require two pieces of cloth instead of one, so the original number of requirements is too high: 2 pieces of ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Rezepte werden an der Kochstation nicht angezeigt

Trotz freigeschalteter Quest bei der ich kochen und anschließend das Gekochte essen muss werden mir an der besagten und jeder anderen Kochstation keine Rezepte angezeigt. Im Tutorial vor dem Update war dies deutlich besser...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Resources not available when needed

Recipes like Alchemist Card and Ghost Card require gems that are unattainable when they are unlocked. Alchemist Card is unlocked with the third level of T3 progression, which happens after beating one of the Gloriana's Tears Sites of Power. Ghost ...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

(minor bug) Fishing Trophy Augment doesn't work on stone walls

I was trying to make a spreadsheet for the augments for the workbench. The Boat wheel and fishing trophies give the same augment, but when placed on a solid crude stone wall, the fish trophy doesn't work. I believe it's because the trophy gets emb...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Swapping Realms finishes Blueprints and Queues are all Done in Workstations

I placed a blueprint of a water Jar. when traveling back from the tier 2 Realm to my respite, it was completed. Additionally all recipes which were in the queue were cooked even tho the fire was light off.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Building: select which materials to use

Sometimes when you're building stuff, especially with Aid missions, you build a tent or a bedroll and you don't get to select whether you insert the wood or fibre you picked up around the Aid area specifically for this, or the rare fibre/wood you'...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Tool rating for harvesting should not increase by applying magick

Because you can just use a low-level tool, apply some magick like Regrowth spell or Oberon's spell, then use it to harvest higher-tier materials. Not clear if this is intended. it makes a lot of intermediate tools obsolete because you don't need t...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Hunger potion cost

The 100 Hunger potion only costs 5 essence to craft this is the same as the 25 hunger potion and less than the 50 hunger potion. Pretty sure this was meant to be 15 to follow to pattern of the other two.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Crafting Tracker should Consolidate

If I ask the game to track three items that each require different amounts of Twine, the quest indicator UI should say "0/9 Twine" not "0/3 Twine" "0/5 Twine" "0/1 Twine" Thanks! <3
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

amazing game!

this game makes me so happy! thank you for putting it on sale. My friend got it for me as a gift and Im so happy, what an incredible experience. I have just watched the sale end at the last 4 minutes of it. Trying to get other people to buy the ga...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open