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Luminous Spore still has no stats or traits of any kind

As title... Luminous Spore, a level 100 rarespawn Swamp plant, still doesn't actually..... do anything.
10 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Please revise the T1 essence hunger of the game

I can somewhat understand why you removed the possibility to extract essences from plant fiber, rocks and sticks. Having players vacuum everything all the time probably isn't your preferred style of the game being played. But what happens now is t...
10 days ago in Feedback 5 Open

Creature fell behind an object. I can hit it with a Knife but cannot collect resources

Bear fell behind some structures. I can hit it with a hunting knife but it does not register damage and does not drop resources. ADDENDUM: Another example of not being able to harvest a dead creature
10 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Welkin's Reach Sheliak giving additional reward?

When picking up the reward for defeating the sheliak boss fight in Welkin's Reach, the chest seems to have additionally given my party members and I 10x Kephri Scarab Chitin upon removing all from the chest after the fight. The only items listed i...
10 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

v0.5.1. Extract Essence - 1 stone, 1 wood = 10 T1 Essence

Although 0.5.1 modified the Extraction rate for Arrows, Extract Essence still gives too much T1. 1 stone + 1 wood = 1 Simple Wood Axe = 10 T1 Essence. This is half the rate of Arrows but still too much. Recommendation https://gq-game-mods.blogspot...
11 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Essence Wisp exploit

The essence wisps can be killed like any other enemy. When they reach 0hp a few things happen: the cloud of wisps immediatly drop some essence, they begin an animation where they swarm around eachother, and they fade out to transparency.Notably th...
11 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Building needs work

Building at this stage is a one and done process, once it's built, good luck trying to move things around or expand. Two features need to be added to make it a little easier. Deconstruct a piece of furniture or building and get 50% of the resource...
11 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Favourite button in crafting benches

Hey, could you maybe add a favourites button in the crafting benches so you can favourite the things you craft the most. There are alot of different things and sometimes its a bit overwhelming
11 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Fabled Elder Eoten Wood T5 - Inconsistent Attributes

Greetings Devpeoples, The resource acquired from the Forest Fae Vault at the Watch, the Tier 5 Fabled Elder Eoten Wood, carries attributes that doesn't quite align with their non-fae vault counterparts. The Elder Eoten Wood, both Fabled and Non-Fa...
11 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Animal Harvesting Bug

I'm getting a negative bug after the latest update. When hunting animals for their parts, I can stab at them but nothing happens. The knife animation plays as do the sounds. Nothing drops and the corpse doesn't disappear.
11 days ago in Bugs 1 Open