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Showing 137 of 2785

Etched Ingot

Displayed effect of basic ingot and etched ingot is the same. I.e. ingot(gold) provides 10% magick power, etched ingot (gold) displays the same magic power bonus. It looks like something was missed in the programming. No sober player will use 2x m...
4 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Checkbox search for properties on mats while crafting

So it would probably be quite hard to implement, but my idea is to allow searching of a preferred set of properties for gear. For example, I only want stealth items, or stealth with max health, and then when crafting, only the materials that have ...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

T4 recipe tree

There should be a T4 recipe tree to see which ones are unlocked or yet to be unlocked, just like with all the other tiers. It's not coherent at all that the T4 recipes aren't displayed like the others (even if they were hidden until discovered).
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

What to do with Bones?

So, I can't help but notice that, despite a wide variety of types of bones and a way to make chitin into bones for recipes, it doesn't actually do anything with the stats it has. You can find Fabled bones that grant a wide array of stats, but ther...
4 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Realms Rebuilt - New Resource "Reticle" too Small/Subtle

The old cross-hairs being replaced with a small diamond is alright, I guess (I personally prefer cross-hairs), but replacing the previous color-coded, larger, resource indicating icon with a simple small circle circumscribing the diamond is very h...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Hunger Death

Please remove death on hunger, make it so like valheim wherein you dont die but becomes too weakened by it. Or atleast tie the death to difficulty level.
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

T5 Material Acquistition Hitboxes

I recently hit endgame and crafted a GS 100 Axepick to harvest T5 materials from points of interest. However, some of the harvestable nodes are really tricky to get, requiring aiming your cursor near where the tool swing will land rather than dire...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Realm harvest materials

The realms need to go back to resembling the old ways for finding resources. now the special resources are all the same in most all the realms, wood, fiber. etc.
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Farming animals / getting pets / trapping animals

Previously (not sure if it still exists in the same way) Harpies can know if there's wood nearby either on your person or in a container, and try to steal your wood if it is in a container. Using a similar mechanic, we can have a mechanic where: Y...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

metal tiers

please reuse metals like copper and tin, but add higher quality versions of said metals. they should have the same properties as their base form, but at a higher value. would be easier than coming up with newer metal types each time a tier is added.
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open