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"Loss" of Loot between the Bosses in the Boss-Rush

Unfortunately, I had to end the Boss Rush after my 5th run because my inventory was already full, and I didn’t want to "delete" any loot from the Chests between each Bosses. My companion's inventory is also full, as I moved over everything I could...
4 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Found items don't combine stats

Unsure if a bug, oversight, or intent but; Crafting items found which are combinations (Such as the Artisanal Pick Head; ingot + metal tip (ingot) + filagree (wire, so ingot) for 3 combined stats) will only have the stat of a single ingredient mak...
6 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Farming Azazel on different realm difficulty should give different amounts of materials

Whether you farm Azazel on lowest difficulty or Normal difficulty, the final reward is the same number of Tier 3 materials.If lower difficulty tier results in less Essence rewards at POIs, maybe boss-farming rewards should also be adjusted, e.g, 4...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Streamlined augment description

I really like the new augmentation system, but I feel there is something to be desired for how the descriptions for each augmentation are written. Right now, what a station can do is written long-form and some of it is written it a not-entirely in...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Salvation Spell not craftable - "rock marble" component not craftable

As subject - the Salvation spell cannot be crafted as it requires the "rock marble" component (primitive ammo for the slingbow) which is not craftable in the current version of the game.
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

duplication of bug hides

i refined some chitin (tier 2 i think) into hide and about 1/2 way through i had the game crash, when i reloaded the game the task for the hides was done but instead of having about 75 it gave me 256, and showed x-257 in the status display of the ...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

All metal ingots are 0.5kg except Einaidia, which is 5.5kg....

Unfortunately it isn't just the ingot object - anything crafted with these bugged ingots inherits the extra weight. Discord is reporting 30-kg pistols xD. Looks like a typo, someone hit an extra 5 there. Oops.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Blood Moon & Maleficiate Minor Realm Cards Have Mismatched Texts & Effects

Greetings Devpeoples, The Minor Realm Cards Blood Moon and Maleficiate have had an issue pre-dated v0.5 where the cards texts and actual effects were effectively mismatched. It appears that this remains the case, which is causing some confusion wi...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Etched Ingot

Displayed effect of basic ingot and etched ingot is the same. I.e. ingot(gold) provides 10% magick power, etched ingot (gold) displays the same magic power bonus. It looks like something was missed in the programming. No sober player will use 2x m...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Essence Trader not telling me the type of 'Ore' or 'Ingot' I am buying

When I go to purchase something such as an ore or ingot from an essence trader I have no idea what the ore or ingot type is, the info simply is not there until i make the actual purchase.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open