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Essence Trader not telling me the type of 'Ore' or 'Ingot' I am buying

When I go to purchase something such as an ore or ingot from an essence trader I have no idea what the ore or ingot type is, the info simply is not there until i make the actual purchase.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Gear level changes

Gear Score This system itself is perfectly fine, but can be confusing in one way in particular - Gear level requirements can be annoying sometimes, many players (like myself) are easily confused when finding ore, or wood that they don't have the g...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

When crafting items at a bench with increased yield trait, the quantity being crafted should show the bonus amount instead of the base amount

No description provided
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Realm Card Ore Generation

Something seems to have happened with the generation of ores in the procedurally generated realms - Zinc, Shimmering, Pursuit, and Aryium are the only ones that spawn regardless of realm difficulty or biome. The bunkers seem to have different gem ...
6 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Recruitable NPC stole my stuff

I have an NPC recruited, and I dropped a bunch of stuff and one of the OTHER recruitable NPCs nearby stole it all. (I have Dennis, but Jeff picked it all up)
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Materials catalogue

It would be really, really nice to have a catalogue of materials and the bonuses (to gear score etc) for each. The entries could be locked until discovered, or maybe just titles/names with no stats until discovered. Specifically, I'd love to see s...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Tree stumps my companion cut down near Respite can't be removed

My companion likes to chop trees in her spare time but this leaves stumps that appear to be invincible. No damage taken when I try to remove them.
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Low Essence count in Apex vault

Hello, when i complete an Apex Vault it gives me one cache of essence where the fight takes place and one cache at the end near the portal. Others are receiving more than one cache, so I think mine might be bugged.
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Steamer Trunk Vanishing

I am playing an online game with a friend. We have both now had Steamer Trunks full of materials, etc Vanish. She lost 2 and as of today my box marked "Construction Wood" has disappeared. In both cases the trunks were on shelves. Logging out and o...
2 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

I would like to see ink and paper products matter in realm travel

It doesn't really seem to matter what you make cards out of, the result is universally the same. I propose that the type of ink you use, and the type of paper you use makes physical and tangible changes to the Realms that are created. For example,...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open