Hello I cant turn in the imitations of life quest to Victor to progress past the bishop quest after receiving a string of broken code for the Humanity's Final Beacon quest (at least I'm pretty sure its a string of broken code). The description to ...
The T1 infusion rewards for Taliesin's challenges are obsolete by the time they are awarded. Some of the challenges can be done in the Abeyance, but the rest will have to be done in higher realms, all of which drop at least T2 essence (and therefo...
The 5th entry for the truth of the matter is not spawning
I've searched every inch of the town you spawn into, all four factories, and the boss area along with most of the map and the final entry does not see to be there at all. I feel like it should have been in the hidden room in the final factory on t...
I am currently stuck on this quest. I found and cleared the corrupted ruin holding the corrupted mushroom/corrupted roots prior to speaking to Desma. When I returned with the purity potion, it still says, "You can't fathom a way to dispel it." I d...
Device for locating/identifying ore/rock/rare materials in a new realm?
(I'm sort of thinking aloud here so please bear with me.) I've arrived at The Watch and naturally spending a lot of my time realm-hopping to gather T4 essence and T4/T5 materials. I still love exploration and part of me doesn't want to speed that ...
I'm only a couple hours in, but I am loving the new update so far. The new progression tree is really great and really clarifies what my next steps should be, the changing of the tutorial reads really well so far. I'm just about to enter my first ...
I can't proceed through the very first site of power, I have found 2 of 3 writings but the 3rd one is no where to be seen, although I've covered the insdie and outside of the structure.
Consider removing completed quest icons so players are not thinking they missed something when they actually completed the task. Specifically, the starting quests to find the knife, mining pick, and immolation enchantment
Hello I just recently started playing and I am stuck at the Bishop I keep getting the drop in the desert but it keeps despawning anytime I mass pick up or single pick ups I went through the thread and found that people were only finding it in the ...