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Welken's Reach blessing timer limit is catching most players :)

So on Discord people were getting stuck as Shekiel's Blessing to let you enter The Well is when people want to clear their inventory. My team mate just independently got stuck there, too. I remember doing it :) Looks like almost everyone inevitabl...
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

It says Return to Puck but there's no Puck on the map i have no idea where he is

I opened a new card and then it says return to Puck, but I was off galivanting (didn't know where the card place was either until I came back). Why isn't Puck just appearing before me?
19 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Halloween Event that isn't just boring predictable monster mash

Instead of a boring kill 1000 units of whatever which players will still find tedious to do by opening an easy realm and playing Maleficiate or Blood Moon for eternal night, how about a version that is more civilized and closer to what humans do d...
5 months ago in Feedback 6 Open

I have 2 issues or possible bugs

Minor Realm Cards that I just created, which is ALL BIOMES in 3 categories (x9 cards total) are not showing up in created Transmuter. There are many others that are not showing up in Transmuter also. It's like it is simply static or a set basic am...
20 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Target Practice

Trying to get Hit Heart Shots, every single time i hit a animal for 12.3k with a arrow on the heart, but it still doesnt count towards the quest.
22 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

during dialogues, there is a constant exchange between French and English

during dialogues, there is a constant exchange between French and's a sentence in French then the rest in English, then again in French. to the point that I am reluctant to try to read the dialogue. it's a shame
24 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Defend a Survivor Quest not giving reward

I can't remember whether I've completed this quest or not.(Either I've finished it and the game hasn't registered it or I haven't and I'm unable to complete it.) But when I talk to the survivors it doesn't prompt me to do the quest the NPC's just ...
24 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

gloriana's tears

gloriana's tears site of power intellect puzzle always summons bound
25 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Feature Suggestion - Wandering Artists

I'm sure you're aware that players desire more decorations for their homes. Apart from furniture, I would like paintings to hang on my walls, or statues to place around my estate. But my realmwalker doesn't have the time or skills to become a maes...
about 2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Danu is Invisible

Her staff is there, hovering in the air. Her name-tag is there..but she herself is nowhere to be seen..perhaps it will sort itself out if i reset the world... -_-*
3 months ago in Bugs 3 Open