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Nightingale City - Golden Vase Bug

Only 4 golden vases can currently be found. We now have several users who confirm this. Apparently the last golden vase does not spawn, regardless of location!
1 day ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

Granville Tailer Woods is stuck under the dock

Granville has managed to get stuck under the dock. I still need to talk to him to complete the quest A Lost Spark. I tried re-logging as well as traveling back to respite then to the city and he is still way below the building.
3 days ago in Bugs 11 Under Investigation

Wilhelmina rumor quests broken

I have 2 quests both called "A New Rumor" that ask me to talk to Wilhelmina Sasse about new rumors, but she does not have any. These 2 quests can not be completed.
6 months ago in Bugs 5 Under Investigation

Taliesin 2nd Riddle

On being asked the 2nd riddle question- Which bound does not bite, the answer from the Poem Ballad of the bound appears to be 'Dark Weaver'. This option is not offered by Taliesin. Trying any of the three option causes a curse, so the dialogue is ...
4 months ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

ProgressionVolumeTest showing up as a completed quest in the Miscellaneous category

There is a journal entry called ProgressionVolumeTest showing up as a completed quest in the Miscellaneous category, it does not provide any description. Unsure of what quest/how this may have been triggered
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation

Twice my Bishop Oil has disappeared out of my helper's pack

I put the oil, the heart, and the ingots on my helper for Nellie's quest. I logged in this morning and the oil was gone. So I went and got it again. And when I logged in a moment ago, checked her pack and it was in the first slot for 10 seconds. T...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation