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My posts: NPCs

Showing 200

Danu interaction area

The targetable area to interact with Danu is limited to the space between her legs. The targetable area for interaction should include her legs and body, or at least enough space that it doesn't require moving around to find.
5 days ago in Bugs 1 Open
246 VOTE

Please add dyes and ways to make character look better and more personlized.

dyes and customization
6 months ago in Feedback 8 Open
216 VOTE

Essence Traders are kinda pointless now

I love the new 0.5 update, but with progression feature, the Essence Traders kinda feel pointless and their prices are very high. I am hoping that maybe one day they will have rarer items or unique items to purchase. But please don't let them be a...
6 months ago in Feedback 30 Open

Louis got blasted into a corner of the building when attacked and is now stuck

trying to do the escort quest with louis when we were attacked by bound he got stuck in a wall
about 12 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

A Nightingale's Song (quest) - Return to Puck

There's a problem with a Nightingale City Main Quest. I've just killed The Automaton Queen and finished an interaction with Realmic Transmuter in the center of Astrariun. But there's no Puck in front of the Transmuter. And yes, I've already spoken...
1 day ago in Bugs 0 Open

Residents sits on the furnitures really weird.

It would be really nice if the residents would get their a** recentered, because they sit around the house like unruly teenagers. Applies to bathtub aswell. Thank you.
2 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Louis quest

Louis was first stuck on staircase and is now stuck inside the building
4 days ago in Bugs 2 Open

Frankenstein conversation outdated

Victor Frankenstein's conversation after turning in the bound materials implies that he is currently in a desert realm like he was in a previous version, specifically Gloriana's Tears. Since he is in Gloom Swamp that should be reflected in his dia...
5 days ago in Feedback 1 Open

NPCs should be able to harvest plants

NPCs should be able to harvest plants/fibers/grains/veggies if equipped with a sickle and set to work here. (this would mean that an npc set to work with a sickle at a bunch of pots or farm plots could plant and harvest all their seeds if properly...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Idea for the game

Heyy, Would it be possible to add a chest filter so you can put item of the same type in these chests ? Exemple: A chest with animal type would only take bones, hides,.. Also, Would it be possible to add an option on the npc so they can help build...
4 days ago in Feedback 0 Open