I love the new 0.5 update, but with progression feature, the Essence Traders kinda feel pointless and their prices are very high. I am hoping that maybe one day they will have rarer items or unique items to purchase. But please don't let them be a left behind stub feature.
Category Tags | NPCs |
Mode | Both Online & Offline |
Sentiment | Feature Request |
If they add in more decorations to use for our estates, they could utilize these essence traders again so that they sell certain decoration recipes! I’d like that because then it would make the essence traders more relevant.
I agree the prices are high and way to much grinding to purchase. Another way to open up to exchange with Essence trader. Example to trade 50 sandstone blocks for 25 slate blocks. Basically, an upgrade trade of group type of 2:1 ratio. I do know you can brake down resources for essences so that is fine and I do agree with them having some unique items to sell like blueprints after you open the sub-realms when out exploring.
I like the cosmetic features for the traders, definitely they need to be able to sell stuff you can only buy. Cosmetics is a start for sure.
I also used to like finding a new essence trader to see what they had to sell.
Dear devs, it would lovely to be able to find new furnishings and even "cosmetic" clothing items on the essence traders that make them worth visiting.
Would be nice if you could trade lower tier essence for higher tier essence from these "essence traders".
As stated: Some could sell alternative look for glamour but others could sell alternatives building blocks and/or clutter/decorative items if ever implemented but on chance base; so we would actively chase the vendors in new (reset) realms. Other vendors could have chance of having some limited inventory of usable t5 refined mats (maybe some noble hollow or titan fingernail fasteners, einadia barrels, etc.) and/or a chance for some limited inventory of high tier refined mat but with unique added stat bonus (either a stronger stat bonus than the one we can craft or with a totally extra effects). Said inventory would be limited per vendor (resets with realm) and random. You couldn't know that ascended swamp vendor will always have this and that... Could be that these special inventories be lock behind RNG side quests.
Agree! Most definitely needs a revamp. I loved the idea of having them sell glamour station alt. looks and or offer essence conversion from low to high and high to low tiers. For example:
A 3 to 1 conversion rate for tier 1 essence into tier 2
A 1 to 3 conversion rate for tier 2 to tier 1
This two would breathe new life to these vendors. Plus having them sell different things based off of realm power it would make it worth the trip on every realm to go check them out.
Traders could be used to sell alternative looks for the Glamour Station too
Another option for the traders could be Essence conversions into other tiers.
Not only are the wears pretty useless those prices are absolutely insane. It would take so much less time to just farm the material you were going to buy rather than farming all the essence you would need to buy a stack of anything. If the prices were reasonable, and if they sold something better than basic trash, then they could be useful in this new format.
I would love the traders to offer rare or realm specific recipes. I liked buying things from them.
I don't know...
Sure, I see not really a reason to visit the traders. On the other side, before the update people run through the map, visit all traders and that's all. They didn't explore the realms. Rare and unique items yes, but maybe remove the trader icon from the map too, if nobody buy e.g. food from them.
One thing that would be nice to make them useful again would be to let them sell the tier 0 home furnishings (washing machines, junk piles, etc) that are not craftable as augmentations.
I agree that the traders are now completely useless. I think it would help push exploration a bit more if the traders carried unique items you cannot craft - unique weapons, clothes, crafted materials or blueprints you can't unlock through the progression menu. this would bring back a reason beyond basic resources to explore the non storied realms.
i definitely like the update overall, but the drive to explore is heavily muted now, i only hop into a non storied realm to snatch up some essences and materials basically ignoring most of the realm and the majority of the POI's since you can usually find all the resources needed in a small area around where you pop into the realm.
Until T1 essence is not stupidly easy to manufacture by Extracting Simple Wooden Axes and the like, the high price of T1 Essence traders prevents players from just buying everything instead of going out to gather them.
I do like the new Progression system a lot more than the old way. But, the traders are too expensive and don't really sell anything of interest to me. If game balance is a worry then maybe they could sell some cool cosmetic items or dyes/paints to change the colors of our gear or buildings.