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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 15, 2024

Essence Traders are kinda pointless now

I love the new 0.5 update, but with progression feature, the Essence Traders kinda feel pointless and their prices are very high. I am hoping that maybe one day they will have rarer items or unique items to purchase. But please don't let them be a left behind stub feature.

Category Tags NPCs
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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  • Guest
    Sep 25, 2024

    One thing that would be nice to make them useful again would be to let them sell the tier 0 home furnishings (washing machines, junk piles, etc) that are not craftable as augmentations.

  • Guest
    Sep 24, 2024
    Traders should give more biome specific trades as well. Swamp traders sell more fish, while forest traders sell more plants, ect.
  • Guest
    Sep 22, 2024
    Make them give us timed side missions for special loot like in Assassins Creed Valhalla.
  • Guest
    Sep 21, 2024

    I agree that the traders are now completely useless. I think it would help push exploration a bit more if the traders carried unique items you cannot craft - unique weapons, clothes, crafted materials or blueprints you can't unlock through the progression menu. this would bring back a reason beyond basic resources to explore the non storied realms.

    i definitely like the update overall, but the drive to explore is heavily muted now, i only hop into a non storied realm to snatch up some essences and materials basically ignoring most of the realm and the majority of the POI's since you can usually find all the resources needed in a small area around where you pop into the realm.

  • Guest
    Sep 20, 2024

    Until T1 essence is not stupidly easy to manufacture by Extracting Simple Wooden Axes and the like, the high price of T1 Essence traders prevents players from just buying everything instead of going out to gather them.

  • Guest
    Sep 18, 2024
    They should hand craft the traders to make them look unique and give them side missions for us to complete for special loot.
  • Guest
    Sep 18, 2024

    I do like the new Progression system a lot more than the old way. But, the traders are too expensive and don't really sell anything of interest to me. If game balance is a worry then maybe they could sell some cool cosmetic items or dyes/paints to change the colors of our gear or buildings.

  • Guest
    Sep 18, 2024

    Yes pretty much useless, but it would be cool if they sold maps to find hidden things in the Realm.

  • Guest
    Sep 17, 2024

    What Essence Traders ought to do is facilitate trade between players. Though we'll need more robust economic systems to make this change truly worthwhile.

  • Guest
    Sep 17, 2024

    Def a yes !
    For example giving the trader a item ( weapo, tool ) crafted based on the actual realm ressources will be nice, ( sure , not for cheap) so I can have the choice betwen crafting it myself, or farm essences to buy it.

  • Guest
    Sep 17, 2024

    I can relate to that. I liked the way it was before, the whole exploration for blueprints or purchasing them from traders. That was lovely. Now I have no interest whatsoever to explore, or visit traders.

  • Guest
    Sep 16, 2024

    Agreed. A big issue is that basic resources are hopelessly over-costed.

    They do have some cool stuff like seeds but it would be neat if they carried a limited number of random fabled items, special ammunition, more seeds, maybe dyes.

  • Guest
    Sep 16, 2024

    Yes, I can only agree with that, the dealers are a joke! Who set the prices? for example, if I want to buy a stone block, I have to spend 150 essences! The merchants are so useless now!