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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 25, 2024

Add a 'Downgrade Essence' Button (top left of screen)

Suggestion: Add a simple but prominent button to 'Downgrade' Essence in the top left corner of the menu (see picture), there is plenty of room, new players would understand, and you could even remove the Essences tab since it would be redundant.

Backstory of why: As a new player... its really not intuitive that you can actually downgrade/extract essence, but even after googling forum after forum, I saw it mentioned... but I still couldn't work out 'how' people were doing it (I thought maybe it was a function removed in the recent update).. and it seems obvious in hindsight.. but I didn't realise Essences were displayed in 2 separate places.. and that you could only interact with them if you went into the essences tab (Note: The Essences tab serves no purpose if you add this button, you can just remove it completely).

I know this seems obvious for experiences players.. but after 1 bad vault and your gear needs over 1000 x T1 essences to repair.. it gets ugly fast.. your umbrella is broken and you cant fly etc.. I even steeled myself to spend a few hours farming T1 (which people suggest to do on forums), only to find there was no untamed (non story) T1 map you could open anyway... so I couldn't even farm that way.

Category Tags Resources, Inventory, Farming, Realm Cards
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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