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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 20, 2024

Please revise the T1 essence hunger of the game

I can somewhat understand why you removed the possibility to extract essences from plant fiber, rocks and sticks. Having players vacuum everything all the time probably isn't your preferred style of the game being played. But what happens now is that trees are cut down in thousands at a time, just to get the T1 essence necessary to keep everything in working order.
You now won't need as much early on but late-game, the T1 essence hunger is only slightly mitigated.

So, I'm suggesting one or more of the following:

1) Bring back fiber, rocks, and sticks essences. Might make things too easy early game, but would reduce the deforestation late-game.

2) Make repairs much cheaper or free even. Maybe use a specialized bench for that. If I recall correctly, repairs in Valheim were free but you needed a bench for that

3) Remove item/cloth wear altogether

4) Make essence interchangeable: Repair with less of T2,T3,T4 essences if need be.

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  • Guest
    Sep 24, 2024

    Early game I spun crude fiber into thread while I was out of the house and then extracted T1 from the thread. You don't even need to waste higher Tier essence.

  • Guest
    Sep 20, 2024

    Since this was clearly a feature I did not know (seriously, extracting essence from essence is not exactly intuitive), I don't think this entire post still makes sense. Can I delete it somehow?

  • Guest
    Sep 20, 2024

    Yep, that definitely solves that. Got 130k T1 essences from 50 measly T4 essences. That should last a while :D

  • Guest
    Sep 20, 2024

    Okay, I never tried to extract essences before. I think that might solve my problem. Thanks :)

  • Guest
    Sep 20, 2024

    you can turn any t2-4 into t1 bruv...