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Cannot complete quest - A House Divided

Upon progressing "A House Divided" I am at the point where I need to "Complete All of the Following:" 0/1 Share your findings with Myriam Jo-Chenworth 1/1 Share your findings with Kloka Anna However, the problem is that I cannot talk to Myriam Jo-...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

In der roboteröl quest wird beschrieben dass man den Läufer in einer sumpfwelt findet. Die Läufer gibt es nur in der wüste und die Wüstenläufer geben kein roboter Zauberöl . Wir haben es schon mindestens 20 mal probiert-

In der roboteröl quest wird beschrieben dass man den Läufer in einer sumpfwelt findet. Die Läufer gibt es nur in der wüste und die Wüstenläufer geben kein roboter Zauberöl . Wir haben es schon mindestens 20 mal probiert-
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Bass Reeve's Quest

I can't advance his quest past "earning his trust," and I have no idea how to do that. Is it like in the earlier game where you have to hit weak points? To me, it is unclear. As a result, I can't hear any of the rumors that the abeyance side quest...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Recruit using Maul in combat can cut down trees

If the player equips a Maul and hits a tree, they cannot fell it to collect Wood. A Recruit using a Maul in combat can cut down trees if they happen to hit one while swinging at enemies. Logs are dropped on the ground and can be collected as normal.
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

When awarded 'recipies' in the progression tree they should unlock automatically.

It is all in the title.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

No recruitable NPC's

Iv been to 4 Realms and i cant seem to locate any of the NPC's when i Visit the houses .. towns or camps where i have seen and got them before is all Ghost towns. Not sure if i need to reset a realm but they are just Gone. ( Quest NPC's show )
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Follower not reviving PC

My follower is stuck in an attack loop, throwing knives at a wall. There is an enemy ... somewhere, that the follower has targeted. Instead of reviving the downed PC, the follower continues to attack the wall.
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Into The Darkness

In Glorianas Tears it is possible to Pick Climb the outer walls of the Sombre Heart, Bypassing the Forcefield blocking the entry that the quest line uses, This will stick the Quest line causing Into the darkness to be uncompletable as you killed t...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Npc sits on the Toilet, when take a break - It looks not great

It just looks terrible, like the NPC is sitting on the toilet.
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

companion is gone.

After the Teleport into the Watch(misson), my companion is gone, no way to find him. all the gear on him is also gone. no Chest with anything. 2 hours of optimazing the gear of him, is lost. Thats why you should male testservers to check the updat...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open