Please add a proper sprint toggle, take all hotkey for chests, description of items in radial menu. Different icons for types of materials or at least some color dif for (meat from prey versus predator as an example). There seems to be a bloated a...
I noticed that there was always a pop up about how many you want to Extract or drop. But I accidentally dragged and dropped a tool into extraction and it didn't even prompt me with an "This is a tool are you sure you want to do this" I feel It mig...
Allow for using numeric & arrow keys to adjust amount when splitting a stack of materials
When you go to split a stack of materials you're currently given a slider to adjust the amount you want to move from the stack. What I'd like to see is that when on that screen you can use the numeric and arrow keys to adjust the amount more easil...
Going in inventory of companion is a drag now with this new bottom menu. Having to select text to go in inventory, not handy. Transferring from one inventory to the other as well. Need to click on one item, then select transfer is not the right 'f...
Inventory weight limit kills ALL THE FUN in this game!
Number ONE seriously BAD design is always mmore than one inventory limit! PLEASE, choose ONE limit and don't stack. Either weight or inventory slots. And in any case, LET the PLAYER CHOOSE how much of a limit they want!!!This game should not make ...
My wife and I have been playing this game for a bit. After doing the tutorial, we set up our primary base in Abeyance.We spend a whole weekend setting up an incredibly complex house with every crafting station in its own designated space. We had t...
If I am repairing ALL items, PLEASE repair all items of my companion as well. It seems silly to transfer their items to my backpack, then repair all, then transfer them back, then have them equip the items.
I sent my follower home via "Ask for calling card" in the survivor management menu. When i sent her home she was in full gear with a gear score of just over 100, when i got back home after i was finished with my adventure she was NAKED. NO CLOTHES...