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Steamer Trunk Vanishing

I am playing an online game with a friend. We have both now had Steamer Trunks full of materials, etc Vanish. She lost 2 and as of today my box marked "Construction Wood" has disappeared. In both cases the trunks were on shelves. Logging out and o...
2 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Combine crafting for intermediate items when crafting for higher tiers

Crafting and picking each item for crafting good gear is an extremely good mechanic, however it is hindered by the fact that when I want to craft something new, I have to go through a ton of crafting menus. When crafting a Dauntless Climbing Pick,...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open


Every interaction is annoying. Can't take all from chest without using mouse. Clicking a build item doesn't select it for building - you have to double-click or hit F (on screen controls don't say anything about double clicking). Building a workbe...
2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Companions Make Loot Disappear

My companions will automatically pick up loot but it will sometimes disappear from their inventory right after picking it up.
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Tier One Essence

It could be that this is already in the game, but I haven't seen it, how about letting essence traders have a money changer abilty but for essence. Just an example, but it seems to happen a lot that items get destroyed and it ends up being easier ...
3 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

equipped icons disappear

If i start to drag an icon for my equipped clothing, but then drop it back where it started, the picture disappears
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Comments to improve enjoyablity for players focused on exploration

(1) when in the inventory please pause the game. Don't know how many times I have been killed just accesing my inventory (2) no place to store stuff other than your backpack early in the game (3) walking in the rain hurts stamina ... that is stupi...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Consumables choose by Q

Hi, if you are cooking consumables uc the outcome, but I do not see if I choose the food when I´ve create a few from same type but diff stats. Can u please check if it is possible to see this when hoover over? THX a lot
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Steamer Trunk disappeared into a wall

Built a utilitarian shelf in my base against a wall, and tried to move a steamer chest onto the top shelf. While moving the chest, the outline was moving as intended, but when the outline of the chest partially clipped into the wall (actually a de...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Companion menu not handy

Going in inventory of companion is a drag now with this new bottom menu. Having to select text to go in inventory, not handy. Transferring from one inventory to the other as well. Need to click on one item, then select transfer is not the right 'f...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open