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General UI tweaks

Hi team, First of all - I'd like to thank you a lot for your hard work since the launch of the game. It is a breath of fresh air to see developers listen to feedback from the community and do their utmost best to address concerns. One thing I've n...
4 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

monde effacé

Bonjour, j'ai voulu me connecté au jeu sur ma partie (plus de 270 heures de jeu) et plus rien le jeu est totalement remis a zéro, plus de personnage plus de base rien du tout comme si j'ouvrais le jeu pour la première fois .... Pourriez vous m'aid...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Crafting does not remove items from inventory

Since the latest update, whenever I've crafted items, the materials used are not being removed from my inventory. I've noticed this with both building structures and the crafting benches.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Combine crafting for intermediate items when crafting for higher tiers

Crafting and picking each item for crafting good gear is an extremely good mechanic, however it is hindered by the fact that when I want to craft something new, I have to go through a ton of crafting menus. When crafting a Dauntless Climbing Pick,...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Inventory items disappearing

I have about 75% of my inventory not showing up and I know it is supposed to be there because it still shows up as being there when I'm looking in a storage basket. I can add the items to the basket, close the basket, open the basket, add the item...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Chest and contents disappeared when moving it.

I was moving my chests and I put it on top of another one, and when I clicked to set it down it just disappeared into the either with all the hides I had in it.
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Item Stats

I find it difficult to find the default stats and tier for specific items, the item tier is available in the crafting menu, the stats are not (unless im missing something). but then the default stats are shown in the progression menu, meaning that...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Access restrictions for storage and buildings

The game is awesome and building system too. I enjoy building weird structures. Please, we need some form of restriction to prevent other players to access our storage, and to prevent unwanted building modification or deconstruction. Let us choose...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Discarded parts moves back to inventory

If I have discarded soem parts from the inventory to the ground because they are too heavy, for example, and I build something, then when I automatically insert the materials that the build requires, all the discarded parts are added back to the i...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Change Repair to Maintain

Highly recommend changing Repair to Maintain, similar to FFXIV version of Repair. Instead of simply repairing gear, they add an amount of durability and this result in the item being over 100% durability, which in turn means it takes longer before...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open