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Showing 142

amazing game!

this game makes me so happy! thank you for putting it on sale. My friend got it for me as a gift and Im so happy, what an incredible experience. I have just watched the sale end at the last 4 minutes of it. Trying to get other people to buy the ga...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Meu feedback pós rework

Bem, após jogar Nightingale em seu lançamento e após o rework da versão 0.5. Eu decidi vir fazer um feedback, primeiramente vou fazer as pontuações e explicações dos pontos positivos, negativos e melhorias que podem ser adicionadas do meu ponto de...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

In-Game Mail System

Could we please get an in-game mail system where we could send mail that includes resources, tools/gear, realm cards and essences to our other characters and friends without the need for them to be online at the same time or having to rely on stra...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

can not open portals in multy player world

I am getting "realm card machine in use" when attempting to open a portal in my multi-player game. this happened after I had to defeat the Jabberwok which didn't spawn for me the first time. the other players in the world can use their portals, ho...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Issues with AMD graphics card and UE

i have multiple crash with AMD graphics card, i have a RX 7900 XTX power collour, i receive multiple crash on multiplayer section, when i join with others do titan farm, i got crash and the display start to flicke one time and remove my actual set...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Toon only loaded in head and torso

In a multiplayer game through STEAM - my coplayer only had a generic upper torso, arms and bald head load for game play. Looked like a floating Delores ( See Umbrella Academy) was distracting. Going through a portal did not reset their toon.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

firing the cannon

It would be really great if you could do something with the cannon that wasn't just decoration and reinforcement You can shoot enemies with cannonballs etc That would be really cool and actually strengthens the base
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

The competitive nature of late-game has improved

So, for once I think I need to write something positive. I often feel like it's self-explanatory how much good is being done in developing the game. I think it's human nature to only focus on the problems. I've done a lot of coop running of vaults...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Visting Player leashing to a spot and unable to move

Ever since I moved a visiting players Cairn while they were offline, they experience being tetherd to a spot and held unable to move any direction. Even after moving and rebuilding their Cairn. Help Im Stuck feature does not correct the issue. The...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Rest message after players have rested

The message "Other Realmwalkers are waiting to rest" lasts a long time after a successful rest.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open