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T3/T4 plants might be too early in T1/T2 realms

All it takes is a couple of plants to be converted to Seeds, then mass-produced by gardening, and a lot of food materials become obsolete.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Recruit won't plant seeds

All permissions granted on container with seeds and on Recruit, tried Work and Follow modes on Recruit, but Recruit won't interact. Other players have stated their recruits can plant seeds. No idea why it's not working. See video:
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Survivors not transfering loot across realms

Whenever I farmed for mats, I stored them on my survivor consistantly while I was in a seperate realm, tp back to respit and everything was gone. Not in any chests or either inventories. Tp'd back to og realm and nothing was there and mats were gone.
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

3rd person view watering is difficult.

I understand that the game is meant to play 1st person field of view, but I prefer 3rd. And since there is F5 to change it to that, maybe you can make it easier to water plants, (especially pots) while in 3rd person. You can not tell if you are ev...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Can't harvest from creatures inc. Crowned animals

I have come to the same problem of taking down both predators and prey and I'm unable to harvest from them with my skinning knife. It's not due to the level of my knife because it would work on one hippo and not the other. Also have the same issue...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

More useful foods

I love that there is a food system in place but I have suggestions if this is still open for discussion. Current system appears to be quite a few recipes the provide relatively the same benefits. Yes, some are more specialized but trying to memori...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

motorised plumbing and electric system with greenhouse

both online and offlinea plumbing system hooked up to a water pump fed by the motor utilised in tier3plumbing wrench can be used to build the pipes which reach different planters with different combinations to plumb in a sprinkler wit...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Pots on tables only show inspect after being harvested

Any pots when placed on tables will show "inspect" instead of "add seed" after being harvested. The current fix is to move the pot and replace, but the gardening is already tedious enough without being able to place more than one seed in a pot/pla...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

T4 infusion Lower than t3

As reported in PTR some t4 has inconsistency. I had found 2 on PTR (Magick and Stealth) Didn't loot any magic yet but the t4 Furtive infusion still gives you only 10 while the the t3 gives you 30%.I was told on discord that t4 magick gives you 8% ...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation

plant troughs

Plant troughs no longer change color when watered. You can no longer see when a trough has been sufficiently watered.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation