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Showing 151

Tool rating for harvesting should not increase by applying magick

Because you can just use a low-level tool, apply some magick like Regrowth spell or Oberon's spell, then use it to harvest higher-tier materials. Not clear if this is intended. it makes a lot of intermediate tools obsolete because you don't need t...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Fishing not working, healing the fish instead

Fishing was working fine, hadn't logged out or gone to other realms just went to my house and back and any time I've fished has done this even after closing the game or going to other reams
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Two potential tools for a smoother gameplay experience

Two tools that, with the issues some of us are having with building and farming, I think would be warmly welcomed. The seed satchel would/could have a similar load-select as firearms, pulling the stacks shown in the radial from the top-left-most s...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

When moving collisioned plant boxes, plants persist

When moving collisioned plant boxes where tomatoes where freshly picked with the sickle, the tomato plant regrows and can be repicked infinitely
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Leaving realm locks plant pots

Leaving a realm for any reason can lock growing plant pots. Upon returning to the realm, any seeded and watered pots 'dry out' and can't be watered. The seed inside will not grow, either, locking the pot and seed until the pot is removed. The pot ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

cave bosses not respawing

ferroswine in cave dont respawn, nor does the red fox or spider. cant farm for fable hide from them once defeated
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Applying a charm to the mystic sickle reduces rating

I made a mystic sickle and added 3 spells to it which brought the tier score in the top left corner of the info to 100 then I added a charm to the sickle which reduces the tier score down to 86 this prevents harvesting plants that require 100
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Meu feedback pós rework

Bem, após jogar Nightingale em seu lançamento e após o rework da versão 0.5. Eu decidi vir fazer um feedback, primeiramente vou fazer as pontuações e explicações dos pontos positivos, negativos e melhorias que podem ser adicionadas do meu ponto de...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

not able to be revived

I died at edge of water companion revived me over 10 times but I died instantly again when revived so had to take option to revive at last point
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Water Can Targeting

Currently when using the Watering Can, the spout pours in a way that is below and to the left of the actual targeting recticle. This is not just a graphical issue, but prevents accurately watering crops in small areas, like the smaller pots. Pleas...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open