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Recruitable NPCs (Companions)

Showing 97

Follower stuck

After assigning my follower to "work here" came back after a few minutes and he was under the ground and couldn't be spoken to, had to TP to next realm to get them back, bit of a hassle at the start of the new update when doing quest line
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Companion in house

Hello :) As i was watching progress of Nightingale from early acces i notice Companions don't use house too much. It feel sometimes weird how they just walking around. But because there is a option ''Work here'' why they must going around and watc...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Realms Rebuilt recruit inventory bugged

Anything I put into the recruit inventory disappears. Stone, wood bundles, gilded lumber, ingots, ect. Just gone.
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Equip and Prepare NPC's for Raids

Hello! While doing the Quest for Joan of Arc, where you help her build the first parts of her army, I thought about making this a feature in the game. The better equipped the NPCs are the better the chances during the event. This also gives more r...
2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Repairing ALL items

If I am repairing ALL items, PLEASE repair all items of my companion as well. It seems silly to transfer their items to my backpack, then repair all, then transfer them back, then have them equip the items.
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Recruit Inventory Disappears upon "Travel to Respite"

When in Sylvan's Cradle, I hit "Travel to Respite" after filling my recruits inventory up with ore, ingots, and various other materials from clearing the map. Upon loading in, all of those items had disappeared and I was not able to locate them an...
3 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Suggestions for improving NPC Follower/Companion Experience

I know there are plenty of improvements on the way for followers, but after playing for a while, I feel I have a good handle on a handful of core things that would vastly improve the experience of using them. 1. Let us pick up, rotate, and manuall...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Recruited companion running around way too fast at my estate, weird pathing

I've had this issue since I've been playing, but logging on today things were more buggy than usual, even after restarting everything, and this was even more apparent. At my estate, my companion is almost always just booking it everywhere, and it ...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Npc keeps getting stuck when I need to be revived

Npc keeps getting stuck when I need to be revived.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Workers to help with tasks.

have an NPC work on your Farm or Garden. includes having them help with farm animals. giving them water and feeding them. and for the people who want to make massive gardens. being able to give your NPC companion seeds and have them plant th...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open