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Realm Travel

Showing 91

Some sound when you can continue

When moving from realm to realm you wait for the screen to show the realm and say "Continue Journey". Now when you create something at a table or the like, when it is completed there is a sound. But when you are allowed to "Continue Journey" there...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Gliding logout bug

I was flying around Welkin's Reach, I triggered Travel to Respite while flying, then after a few seconds I instead logged to main menu to step away. When I came back and clicked Resume, the game goes to the Continue Journey screen and lets me clic...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

A mailbox system instead of the estate cards

multiple fastenant reason for this building a state card to get to everyone's around with just annoying as sin also it'd be easier if you could add people to your mailbox and they can just click their mailbox and come to you around vice versa they...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Return to Crossways Takes Me to New Map

I am currently in a party with another player and we have been playing together from the beginning. We have our respites on the same map. When I click "Return to Crossways" it takes me to a new realm that I think was the realm I initially spawned ...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Sugestions for a better exploration experience

I think the game needs more purpose and/or a rewards when exploring the untamed realms. It would be enough for me if you could add collectable items to the game, e.g. human relics in the human chests and fae items in the fae ruins that you can co...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Travelling issues

While traveling between realms, a two person party can not travel in the same instance. Once someone travels from sylvans cradle to the crossways. The party gets split up. From the crossways to a respite the party will come back and rejoin in the ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Summoning stones for bases.

Add base summoning stones to the game. It's function would be to move your base to one realm to another. This would reduce the time to establishing another base for each realm you traverse in the game. This would also reduce the time for mundane t...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Swapping Realms finishes Blueprints and Queues are all Done in Workstations

I placed a blueprint of a water Jar. when traveling back from the tier 2 Realm to my respite, it was completed. Additionally all recipes which were in the queue were cooked even tho the fire was light off.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

got killed while the realm was still loading

I had logged out in the middle of a realm so that I wouldn't have to walk the whole way from the waypoint. As I was logging in again and the realm was loading around me, it was night and I got killed by bound and I had to respawn at the waypoint a...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Steam deck: Crash on realm load.

While playing on steam deck attempting to change from one realm to another the game frequently crashes, requiring a steam deck reboot. After rebooting it is possible to change realms again for a while. game is playable otherwise. setting are on ul...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open