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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 27, 2024

Travelling issues

While traveling between realms, a two person party can not travel in the same instance. Once someone travels from sylvans cradle to the crossways. The party gets split up. From the crossways to a respite the party will come back and rejoin in the same realm. Same thing happens when you travel from crossways to sylvans cradle. As well as in sylvans cradle and traveling around, the game had dispanded the party. While sending multiple invites no communication was coming through on each end of the party. To correct the situation for now a person will have to reload the game and it will work just fine.

Mode Online
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Realm Travel, Respite Realm, Portals
Realms Sylvan’s Cradle, Abeyance
Steps to Reproduce While switching realms from abeyance to sylvans cradle, the party will be in separate realms while teleporting back and forth between the repsites and the crossways. However they will still remain in a party just unable to see each other. The only way the party can come back together and see each other is if they travel from the crossways to the respite. But traveling overall as a team doesn't still with the same realm.
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