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My posts: Collisions

Showing 110

Fell through environment in front of Pandoras Bane Cathedral

In front of left most door at the front of the Cathedral in Pandoras Bane character falls through environment and is stuck under the map.
about 22 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Unreachable Fae Chest.

Unreachable Fae Chest in Hollowed Moor 60, Swamp Realm. Move it a bit, or just delete.
1 day ago in Feedback 0 Open

NC sewer missing structure model and collisions

Found a spot in the NC sewers where a bit of ceiling is missing, showing a view into a partially-loaded world with other bits missing. You can jump up into that gap and there's no collision there either so you wind up in that weird quasi-worldspac...
2 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Got trapped between parts of the building above the sewer

I was looking for what sounded like a hope Echo in the sewers in Pandora's Bane. Found a weird exit to a place under the ground. Used grapping hooks to latch onto buildings, got stick in between buildings. No escape!
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Items don't attach properly on wall.

Hunter's Trophy and Tudor wall Hook can only be placed inside the wall.
15 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

unbreakable tree stump

stump cant be broken after i cut tree down then went to main menu then back in the world
25 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Snapping on/off and placements everywhere

Please let us choose snapping on or off when placing things AND add snap points for chest on various shelves. Let us place light on most if not all walls, pillars and under upper floors tiles. Upper floor tiles should also snap to foundations tiles.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Shelves are a mess. Chest Placement is buggy.

Can't reliably place steamer voyager trunks on shelves. About 50% will take a 4th chest on top. About 25% will not take one in the middle, depending perhaps on where the shelf is placed. It way to hard to place our chests, this should not be such ...
5 months ago in Bugs 5 Open


Stuck on the side of a mountain, stuck feature not working
20 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Plants showing through foundation

When placing foundation blocks some plants will clip through the floor. More of an annoyance / inconvenience more than anything. Furthermore, sometimes they'll disappear for a moment when hitting the floor with a sickle. Specifically, the alternat...
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Open