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My posts: Creatures/Enemies

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Can't switch or do much after death

During the Magwytch Queen. Died. When I respawned I was unable to change any weapons. My "R" button still worked, but I could not dodge, I could not run, I could not press any hotkeys to change weapons, I could not use the scroll wheel, I could no...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Revamp player position detection on attacks to allow stealth (and better realism/logic)

This suggestion is to completely revamp player position detection when attacking others (animals, hostiles, etc.) The TL;D[n]R version is to remove the telepathic omniscient detection of the player's exact position on an attack and instead have cr...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Heart of the Elder Eoten quest - doesn't need Ritual Meat

I gave the Elder Eoten the Ritual Meat according to Ludivine's instruction and got the Elder Eoten Heart as expected plus Elder Eoten wood logs. Then I also separately gave it one unit of Meat (Bug) and got the same drops. Then I gave it one unit ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Hollow metal is not dropping properly

After farming 4 hours in a Ascendand gloom desert with malificiate apogean minor card i have gotten 5 hollow metal total. I also farmed 4 hours in a ascendand gloom desert with bloodmoon, bloodmoon eminent and bloodmoon apogean and have gotten 0 h...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

got killed while the realm was still loading

I had logged out in the middle of a realm so that I wouldn't have to walk the whole way from the waypoint. As I was logging in again and the realm was loading around me, it was night and I got killed by bound and I had to respawn at the waypoint a...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Fishing not working, healing the fish instead

Fishing was working fine, hadn't logged out or gone to other realms just went to my house and back and any time I've fished has done this even after closing the game or going to other reams
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Combat initiate lag

When first entering combat, lag spikes hard. The more entities entering combat, the worse the lag up to the point of complete lock up while a horde of bound just kill you while you're unable to move. This happens even when an already existing enti...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

About realms and capped tiers (and how to fix it)

After playing 0.51 one thing that stood out for me and somewhat left a bitter aftertaste was the "dumbed down" realm tier and difficulty selection. It is great that we can choose difficulty seperately from the realm tier, however removing the abil...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Queen of Magwytch shield bug and combat AI issue

Queen of Magwytch had a shield. I got tired of dealing with it so I ported out to Respite, build the Dispel Grenade, and came back. But when I came back, she had moved from her original spot and she did not have a shield. While I was dodging her p...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Respawn Point Tosq, the brutal

One of the respawn points for Tosq, the brutal is under the surface . See screenshot attached. I am in a ascended astrolab swamp realm
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open