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Using a bug/glitch in a quest with protection

The defense quest turns out to be very easy, since you can simply place 1-2 foundations on the extractor and bound will not reach it until the foundation is broken. It seems to me that it should be prohibited to place structures in the room with t...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 1 Open

Can't harvest from creatures inc. Crowned animals

I have come to the same problem of taking down both predators and prey and I'm unable to harvest from them with my skinning knife. It's not due to the level of my knife because it would work on one hippo and not the other. Also have the same issue...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 1 Open

Oberon's Bounty Stops Working on Knives After Casting Other Spells

I've been farming fabled carnute hide for my magic build but it seems that using other spells (even with other weapons) before swapping to a knife and using Oberon's Bounty breaks it and causes it to no longer harvest a carcass in one go as it sho...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Weekly release of features

Can we get new... something (anything!) released on a weekly schedule similar to other Early-Access games (e.g., Icarus) to help attract and retain new and returning players? At this point in the game, the gameplay gets stale, and there are no add...
about 1 month ago in Feedback 0 Open

Blood Moon & Maleficiate Minor Realm Cards Have Mismatched Texts & Effects

Greetings Devpeoples, The Minor Realm Cards Blood Moon and Maleficiate have had an issue pre-dated v0.5 where the cards texts and actual effects were effectively mismatched. It appears that this remains the case, which is causing some confusion wi...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Fauna in forests vs swamp and deserts

I really like the critter variety in forests now. The small deers are a great touch that I haven't noticed before and having a good number of non-hostile critters makes the place feel much more alive and believable. This isn't quite the case with ...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open


I will say im impressed so far on the rebuild BUT that said.. The spiders are insanely frightening. They feel faster and scare the hell not just out of me but those in my stream. I am set to explorer and its not 'hard' but the easiest. I turned th...
4 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Cairn should stop spawns

I known cairns are supposed to stop things from spawning nearby, but it seems to only affect bound. I keep getting pigs running in and busting up my base. Being able to build anywhere should mean being able to build anywhere and creatures being re...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Boss Rush Sun Giant Heals himself

Team of 3. Got to wave 32, Sun Giant. 45 min of fighting him he Healed himself twice. After the second heal.. we decided it was not worth it. we aborted the fight. and the whole team was quite salty about it.
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

Mob movement

Please adjust the speed, and turning behavior of mobs. Its insane to have them moving so fast they basically teleport all over the map. At lower difficulties it looks like a bunch of confused clowns running all over the place, at higher difficulti...
about 1 month ago in Feedback 0 Open