When I'm trying to play, my held items keep switching. For example, I was trying to stay dry in the swamp but my umbrella randomly switches to something else in my hotbar, and it continually keeps "scrolling" and switching gear in my hands.
Combine crafting for intermediate items when crafting for higher tiers
Crafting and picking each item for crafting good gear is an extremely good mechanic, however it is hindered by the fact that when I want to craft something new, I have to go through a ton of crafting menus. When crafting a Dauntless Climbing Pick,...
There is no form of cursor lock, mouse lock, window lock, or "Full-Screen" option in the Full-Screen modes. I have no way to lock my cursor to the Nightingale window and, as a streamer, I require multiple displays. This makes it nearly impossible ...
When opening the crafting menu it is already on the bottom of the page. One of the drop-downs near the bottom of the page is open (not one that I recently used), and most importantly, I can't use the mouse scroll wheel to scroll through the menu. ...
Keybindings can break Deconstruction in Edit Build Mode
For some reasons my keybindings were off after the update, and I found out cause it was preventing me from deconstructing build opbjects.The processing circle would start when trying to deconstruct something but halfway in it will instantly stop a...
I find the dodge mechanic almost useless as in order to set up my keybinds in a way that is comfortable i have to shift pretty much everything around. I wonder if we could have te option to activate the dodge feature with a double tap of one of th...
Randomly start sliding around, no control over character, playing with wife who is on same internet connection, character loses control and slides around, no keyboard or mouse inputs and loss of character control, only after recent hotfix
Trying to "Give Up" just as you are being revived (you revive before "giving up" finishes) bugs your controls and prevents WASD movement. All other controls work as normal. I don't know if this happens only when NPCs are reviving you or other play...
Dying in Build Mode turns Building Hotkey Bar invisible
I very frequently starve while building to conserve food. Dying while in build mode (x) seems to make my building hotkey bar invisible after respawning. Directly after respawning you are still in build mode, but the Copy, Move, Remove, Exit button...