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Beeing in 3rd person view in BR close HUD and could move character mouse view

Pretty much self-explanatory in the title. Was in 3rd person in BR and couldn't see HUD nor damages caused after boss and warp, an arrow cursor was on my screen, no hud, no way to move view nor interact with the world.
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

The Progression Tab is in a bad state (offline mode)

As you can see from the screenshot, the whole Progression Tab is bricked.It was resolvable by clicking on any item/structure Type on the left side of the progression page.
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Allow the realmwalker to select which hand to use for a one-handed weapon or tool.

When I create a one-handed tool or weapon, it is automatically assigned to either main hand or off hand. I think it would be a plus to the game if a player had the choice of assigning which hand a tool or weapon is assigned to. For instance, my sw...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Controller left-right hand logic... is not logical

Its more a question of ergonomy, but the choice that have been made are not logical : -the principal hand menu is visually on the left. the selection key is expressed on the left (the controller cross) -the secondary hand is visually on the right....
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Xbox controler in Inventory and crafting manipulations

when you transfer material or manipulate stuff in your inventory, when the operation is done, the Index come back to first slot of the inventory. its quite painfull to get down to your list emplacement and continue to clean/ convert/transfer. The ...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Missing Keybinds

Many actions are missing changeable key bind settings, which can cause problems. There are just too many to list, but here are a couple of examples: 1) You cannot change the "Dialogue History" key inside the conversation (default F, making it impo...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Mouse look sensetivity needs a slider

I've seen others commenting saying the mouse sensitivity is to fast for them, but I am the opposite. I play with a trackball and am prefer fast paced gameplay but its currently taking me three 'spins' to turn in a right angle, this makes just runn...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Menu Issues

will not let me scroll through menus with a controller, it seems perminatly stuck right not. Loging out did nothing.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Movement is trigging Weapon Selection

It is cycling through the weapon options as I move around, without me touching the roller on the mouse. It is doing it fairly consistently making it unplayable. E.g running into a fight Press R & either before the spell is finished or straight...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

mystic bolt action site

when I aim down my irons the rife goes all wonky glitching out of view then popping in in the wrong direction then back into place
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Duplicate