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broken portal to another realm

Portal to another realm dont open up. It open only if i change the weather in first realm and try to open portal after that every single time
14 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Boss rush not reseting

Dying on lvl 21 boss rushSends me back to the first room with teleporterButton for resetting doesnt work, no prompts at all Ive died about 10 times on the same boss, boss hp doesnt reset so i can chip it away bit at a timeReopening the portals put...
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Unable to place Lodestar on surfaces

I used to be able to place my Lodestar at this exact locationn forever. Now since the last update, the revamp of the UI of Build mode, I can no longer place the Lodestar down inside the same exact cave I have been doing right along. I also went to...
2 months ago in Bugs 2 Planned

Boss Rush - Wave Selection Not Working

When in a boss rush and selecting a wave at the pedestal, it can be toggled to waves 1, 11 or 21. However, no matter which option you choose, the encounters will start at wave 1. This occurs whether entering a fresh boss run portal, or after dying...
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

If the coop partner goes first into a portal no loading screen comes up

If I join my friends server and goes first into a portal the loading screen don't show and we need to close the game and open it again. Happens every time we tried and it doesn't matter if we just launched the game or have played for an hour or more
about 2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Boss Rush - Bound Sentinel Fight: Cages

If you open the bound cages in the Bound Sentinel fight in Boss Rush, the cages remain open in future waves. Unfortunately, the cages do not close when the portal closes and is re-opened, so if you open them once, they are open forever. This can a...
2 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Minor Card Display on Portals

In the UI for reactivating a dormant portal, it shows us the Major Realm card active and its effects on the right side (eg, "Ascended Gloom Swamp", etc.). However, it does not show us which Minor Cards, if any, may be active in the realm. It feels...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Paid DLC idea - culture packs

The base Culture Pack in the game should certainly be "Victorian England" and the original gaslamp vibe. So things like the Bhutan tileset are IMO completely out of place and should have been relegated to a DLC that is either a tileset or a cultur...
4 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Endgame Progression Ideas at the Watch

The Big Excitement of the Watch for me, was seeing other people running around leaning into the MMORPG hub vibe, especially with it just be solo prior for the most part. Taking advantage of that hub and maybe later introducing the next tier hub la...
about 2 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Survivor unrecruited and lost all rare gear/potions after teleporting to The Watch for the first time

I teleported to The Watch for the first time, and my survivor wasn't with me. I didn't think anything of it since there were other players there until I noticed her calling card also wasn't in my inventory (I had not dismissed her since I did not ...
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Open