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Showing 266

Cham for Balanced Spell-Stacking and Spell-Tagging

With magic being difficult to balance, I feel like it would be beneficial for magic focused builds to reward this playstyle with a new charm. That charm could allow to stack one additional power, for as long as the tool is held. (Make the charm on...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

I would like to see some sea creatures

It would be great to see something in the vast waters that surround the forest and swamp biomes such as serpents, mer-people, squiddies, shark-like creatures, Kelpies, Red-caps, etc. Also to allow use of single handed weapons in and underwater lik...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Improve Shockwave Spell

I think the shockwave spell should send enemies flying on impact - i was fully expecting this to be the case and was disappointed when it didn't happen. It would be best if how far the enemies were knocked back was related to their size, so bound ...
16 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Blastminer trap does no damage

Regardless of power level, Blastminer's Trap deals no damage and has no other noticeable effects. Also, the trap's trigger radius is too small to be really useful even for the damage it did previously, and since it doesn't persist when other encha...
17 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Yex and the helmsmans bound have no weak spots

As Yex and helmsman don't have any weak points, you can't crit them (except with a sword parry ), which makes critical focused builds very weak against them. They're the only bosses like this, It creates a huge imbalance between waves, when it tak...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Elemental Ammunition for Bows

The addition of bows is something I really appreciate, and the choice between the two styles can be fun, but it doesn't really make sense that guns have the option to load magical ammunition and the two (current) bows don't. Would it be that diffi...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Boss rush not reseting

Dying on lvl 21 boss rushSends me back to the first room with teleporterButton for resetting doesnt work, no prompts at all Ive died about 10 times on the same boss, boss hp doesnt reset so i can chip it away bit at a timeReopening the portals put...
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Magick does not benefit from critical multipliers

I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended, but spells and magic ammo DoT do not benefit from critical damage multipliers. They do about x2 the damage when creatures are stunned/prone (with Charm of Brutality), but that is the case regardless of th...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Multiple players use Summon Swarm

I've noticed from playing with other players that if we cast Summon Swarm on an enemy, it cancels out the other player's Summon Swarm. I always assumed this was intentional, but I am curious if it is actually a bug.
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Boss Rush - Wave Selection Not Working

When in a boss rush and selecting a wave at the pedestal, it can be toggled to waves 1, 11 or 21. However, no matter which option you choose, the encounters will start at wave 1. This occurs whether entering a fresh boss run portal, or after dying...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open