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Mi partida ha sido borrada

He conectado, despues de un tiempo, y no tenia ninguna partida guardada
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Fae Wilds realm card and higher difficulties should increase rare drops from animals.

I think it would be great to see this either of these things provide just a slight buff to get Fabled resources harvested from animals and it would incentivize players to take up a challenge.
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Seal Puzzles should not reset.

The puzzles that involve accessing the floating things in the sky to activate glyps are hard enough for some os us with them resetting if we have to leave the game for some reason. Once activated, a glyph should stay activated. Please!
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Astral Blessing is one time use. Must Suicide into Empyrean Observatory after it expires

Astral Blessing is one time use. Must Suicide into Empyrean Observatory after it expires. I could never get another Astral Blessing. Did not find the alleged 3 quests needed to drop the force field, and judging by the youtube videos, neither did a...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Melee tools won't connect to ores/npcs they are level with

When I swing my axepick, pick, hammer or any tool with a downward swing I get "air swings". Because of this it is difficult to repair anything that is foundation level. Difficult and sometimes impossible to mine ore (especially tier 5 ore). Diffic...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Ennemy with horns too strong

The giant ennemy that has horns on it's head, and begin with a hammer in it's hand is way too hard on the second phase. It charges you with running, and he is way to fast to parry almost 80% of the time. Also, at that time, I only have an ornate r...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Gear score seems extremely misleading

See picture. Not sure how/why Environmental Resistance of 45.5% is worth so many more points in gear score.
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Revamp player position detection on attacks to allow stealth (and better realism/logic)

This suggestion is to completely revamp player position detection when attacking others (animals, hostiles, etc.) The TL;D[n]R version is to remove the telepathic omniscient detection of the player's exact position on an attack and instead have cr...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Font POI difficulty / visibility

Only playing online, so no comment on offline mode. In Gloriana's Tears, I have been struggling with the POIs with glyphs (as I did before 0.5). Currently the glyphs are too difficult to see. One literally faded in and out of view as I watched it....
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Bottom of the Empyrean well

At the bottom of the Empyrean well, there is no sigil for the umbrella fly up. This is extremely annoying since it very hard to get back up into the middle floating rocks.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open