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Revamp player position detection on attacks to allow stealth (and better realism/logic)

This suggestion is to completely revamp player position detection when attacking others (animals, hostiles, etc.) The TL;D[n]R version is to remove the telepathic omniscient detection of the player's exact position on an attack and instead have creature groups enter search mode on an attack, trying to find the player manually first before attacking, thus making stealth actually possible.

Firstly, the biggest problem is one that is, unfortunately, not atypical in games, but never has made sense. The moment you attack one member of a group, the entire group telepathically knows. This has never been a good design principle, but I do understand the technical difficulties of working around it. In a most ideal situation, the determination of the group's awareness of the attack would be based on factors like how much noise the attack made (from the position of the ones being attacked, not just how much it made at all!), how much noise the one being attacked made (a crit to head would be silent but a crude hit elsewhere would make noise even if it did enough damage to kill,) distance of other group members, etc. This is probably unrealistically complex, but I would like to at least put the consideration out there.

Speaking more realistically of what can definitely be done in pretty much any game (and which many do) is that enemies should not instantly omnisciently know the player's position upon any attack upon any of its members. Essentially what should happen is they enter "active search mode," actively searching for an enemy and not necessarily the same as their attacker -- for example, if they come upon other players, they might attack them instead, thus allowing one person to act as tank and another as sniper. Now, the guns of course make a lot of noise and "anti-stealth" the player a bit, but I do think range should be taken into consideration. If the player is not really close, they should merely turn in the direction of the shot (maybe even a bit of degree of inaccuracy added on top?) and start actively moving in that direction if hostile and if skittish turn the opposite direction to move away (gotta make hunters get that cardio workout!) If far enough away they should have difficulty and perhaps even potentially fail to find the correct direction at all. If the one who is shot dies instantly, they shouldn't necessarily be aware they need to look at all but the determination should be made based on sound (eg are they in range to be able to hear it sufficiently?) Ideally it would be a determination in regards to if they see the dead body of a former group member they start looking, so one might be able to carefully pick one or two off from behind before the group notices something is wrong. Even perhaps able to actually use stealth entirely in some locations. (This requires a lot of patience, but it's really fun for stealth players, trust me.)

Once creatures enter search mode, normal line of sight and sound detection would take over. The initial noise of the attack would thus serve only as a vague guide to enemies rather than an immediate group pile-on. They would know roughly where to look, but wouldn't instantly begin an attack against the player that ignores all factors. They would still have to find the player.

Also to that end, the noise itself shouldn't apply an actual debuff to the player. If you fire a gun from a good hiding spot and they haven't yet spotted you, you should still be able to sneak. The noise of the gunshot shouldn't make the player suddenly more visible/louder/etc as it currently does but should instead just alert creatures. Of course, if one has bad stealth or isn't even using stealth they'd still be spotted instantly if in range. Essentially the initial noise of the gun should be the only actual disadvantage which makes a lot more logical sense anyway. On that note, the actual noise of the shot should be detected within a large radius and many creatures would scatter or enter search mode because of it -- eg if you miss it shouldn't be a free shot! If you're near enough for them to hear it they should still hear it and start searching/running away. It would be neat if biome factors could affect this radius (for example, the desert should probably carry sound further with more accuracy on direction than the forest.)

To this end, the bow suddenly becomes very useful due to the fact it makes a significantly reduced noise. (Most games consider bows to be silent, but even with silencers added to them they do make some sound, so if the sound radius idea were implemented I'd say it should be a very very small radius.) This would make the bow actually potentially really deadly as a stealth weapon since one could actually attack a group from hiding and quite a lot more fun to use. For that matter, it would make bows other t han the starter bow actually have real, valid use. (By the time I could make decent bows worth using on anything other than starter area wolves I could also make guns and tons of ammo...) The weird marble crossbow thingy should probably be somewhere in between (louder twang of a tighter string, but still nowhere near to the level of a gun.) Except of course the shots make noise on impact, so should tend to alert things within a small radius where they strike. That said, the bolt-action rifle in particular shouldn't be useless for hunting by any means! It has the advantage of decent range and it should be possible to utilize that when aiming well. Eg if far enough away (close to maximum range,) creatures don't know to run/attack and simply start searching around without knowing a direction to search.

All of this would make stealth an actual thing in the game and be quite a lot of fun for those with the patience. In some ways it should make even tanking things a bit more interesting. For example, if you're running around shooting at everything making lots of noise you risk the possibility of other creatures hearing and attacking. (Which just makes sense really. It's weird that everything in range ignores things...) But some creatures maybe shouldn't attack if they see a fight already ongoing (for example, I doubt a boar would want to get involved in a loud battle with gunshots going off between a player and a group of bound.)

Category Tags Creatures/Enemies, Combat, Difficulty
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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