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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 13, 2024

Increase Aggro/Threat generation of AI companions

Hey folks, first I want to say thank you to the whole team for an amazing game! I was hoping you could increase the threat generated by AI companions so that enemies attention is divided between the player and their AI Companion. You could also create a charm the could increase the threat generated by the wearer of previous mention charm. Thank you for reading!
Category Tags NPCs, Creatures/Enemies, Combat
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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  • Guest
    Sep 13, 2024

    I love the idea of using AI to make companions smarter, but I'm concerned about the cost. AI language models can be expensive, and I know that's a different type of AI. But how much would it cost to use AI to make companions smarter, and to allow them to have conversations with us?

  • Guest
    Sep 13, 2024
    This is a really good idea, it only makes sense to have companions draw agro when in battle. I'd like to see this.