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Add morning star weapon (Morgenstern)

I think it will fit well into the game. Primary attack would be just a swing . Special attack is a charging long distance whip like attack, that punch and knock enemies.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Wish the Roots/Bramble Statue at the Sylvan's Cradle Site of Power was more imposing

After finishing Sylvan's Cradle - Where Angels Fear to Tread, I almost failed to notice the Roots/Bramble statue on fire above, I sort of realised the room seemed a bit underwhelming until I noticed the statue on fire above. I wanted to suggest th...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Persistent glare on Shekiel fight - team mate was only see brief flashes

Looks like my computer decided to keep the flash that my team mates were only seeing briefly on the Shekiel fight at the end of Welken's Reach. Got the pillars filled with ore this time and figured out how the combat worked - heaps of fun, thank y...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Add wolf variations (fur colors)

Add wolf color variations cuz they look boring in this like blue-grey color. Maybe something like brown, red, black or even add fur patterns
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Classic / Infinite Mode

Okay, I know you all spent a boatload of time on Storied Realms, and they are truly amazing, wouldn't have it reversed in any way whatsoever. Buuuut it would also be cool to have a different selectable game mode that mimicked the old version. One ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

ARM64 port please

Ok so this is a very easy ask from me as I don't ask for a lot. This should be VERY trivial for you all to do and I do not expect it now but hope for it closer to 1.0 when the game comes out of early access. But can you PLEASE port the game to wor...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Knock-Back When Using a Bow

I noticed that when I fire an arrow from my bow, it has quite a knock-back. I was standing on top of a platform at one of the Intellect Puzzles and needed to shoot the arrow to activate two of them. When I fired the first arrow, it knocked me off ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Longer, more varied Vault crawls

The Vault crawls in the game are excellent! Especially Site of Power and Apex Vaults. However, would really love a bit of variety on this. Particularly in our goals for going into said dungeon. Would love something that's not quite so aggressive. ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

My companion destroyed my stuff!

I loved that I could set my companion to a particular behaviour. But I forgot to turn off Woodcutting when I brought her back to my camp, and I turned my head for ONE SECOND and she'd not only cut down all my beautiful trees but also destroyed my ...
6 months ago in Feedback 4 Open

yur gsame suckssss

yiur game is sooo baddd,.............
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open