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Magic select radial menu stops movement

After selecting a different spell on a tool/weapon, it stops the players movement so you have to re-press a direction key again. This also happens when toggling the HUD back on with the Toggle HUD key.
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Building Piece Swaps

I think a function that allows pieces to be swapped when building without having to tear down the original would be really great. Like, I currently have a house of Crude Stone, and I'm upgrading to Tudor. It would be nice if I could just put down,...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Implement Option to Prevent Auto-Slotting Radial Menu

The new radial menu is awesome for holding Q to quick chow some grub, but farming isn't a great experience when seeds and other things that you need to have in the inventory always gets auto-slotted to the radial menu. I have to constantly move st...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

3rd Person Expressions and Animations

I just got the game and haven't gotten too far yet, but I think that third person mode could have better animations and just more of them in general. For example, animations reflecting statuses like injury (limping) disease (coughing) wetness (shi...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Grass render inside building

When building and placing down a foundation/framework, grass seems to inconsistently render inside the building. When first placing down foundations the grass would disappear as expected.Later on when progressing the framework by adding materials ...
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

welkin reach

un able to get to place of power. I have watch youtube videos and have no clue why they arent dying like I am
27 days ago in Feedback 1 Open

please add this chair for our furniture

I am still hoping this game adds decorative Funiture in the future that we can sit on or lay down while napping. I found this chair out in the open world and would love to see it added to the crafting things we can make. Please :D
about 2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Character got stuck, cant move any other way except dashing

Yeah so was fighting off some bears while trying to hop onto a rock. Got downed midway climbing and after I got revived i couldnt move anymore. I can jump upwards but still cant move. Dashing seems to be the only way to be able to move as far as I...
3 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Repetable Crash and Illegal Business Behaviors

* Repeatable Issue * Hitting to not accept the post-sale one-sided legal terms crashes game. No EULA listed in Steam Store EULA section to justify this denial of service. * Steps to Reproduce * open game, don't agree to abusive one-sided post-sale...
3 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Player can break a Sorrow Seal without solving the puzzle

There is a gap in the wall in the eastern Sorrow Seal's storage chamber. The player can interact with the seal from the open desert, and will get the option to break the seal - without having to solve the puzzle and open the door.
3 months ago in Bugs 2 Open