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needing to eat making the game less fun

I was so excited to play this game when it was announced, but when trying the early access game with a friend, we needed to eat so often. It frustrated my friend so much, he just requested a refund for the game, he said it felt like a chore to pla...
6 months ago in Feedback 7 Open

A Black Screen when sleeping? Add time elpase and sleeping animation instead

A black screen during sleeping is immersion breaking. Please make sleeping like Enshrouded, show sleeping animation and real time of day elapse.
5 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Industrial/Redbrick tile set

I love the red brick and iron industrial buildings and wondered if we could have them as a building tile set?
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

In game Material Tracker

An in game detailed Compendium in a similar UI design to the progression window that is used to track the materials found in the realms said UI would display materials by type and show the materials and their stats and tier materials not obtained ...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

"improved quality" materials do not work or the forge card is broken

Certain cards like the forge card claim to improve the quality of the items you craft. They appear to do just that, but the improved quality is an illusion that has no impact on final products. For example, if you craft a tin ingot with the forge ...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Duplicate

Bring back the Stave Brazier

This is a small and foolish request, as this is likely being worked on already. But I, and others, need to make our desire heard. So please bring it back! (And possibly also different Brazier designs for other tilesets, as well.)
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Make Material specific storage items

I think it would be a neat idea to have stoage units that only accept specific items that are themed to that type of storage. For example, a drying rack that only accepts hide and leather.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

PLEASE change the chat box to auto show for everyone

Almost nobody in game ever sees chat because for some reason it's automatically off? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE change this to auto on, and maybe add an early tutorial message about how to change it.
3 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Not automatically climbing after using climbing tool

After using the climbing tool to go to rock structures, I end up automatically falling instead of automatically climbing or attaching to the rock structure.
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Damask and Pinstripe Patterns for Fabled Gear - No Ugly Cow Print Please!!

The cow print pattern is very unappealing and I feel like something using Fabled material should look so much better. My suggestion is using Victorian-esque patterns such as damask and pinstripes. If the cow print has to stay then I would love the...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open