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Inventory slot lock.

I think it would be great if I could lock-in some of the resources in my inventory and they would be excluded from being auto-transferred into storage.
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Idea for a building theme

Since floating builds are allowed now. Ever consider making airship parts such as propellers, balloons ect. purely for thematic reasons? It wouldn't have to actually go anywhere. But having something like that or introducing prefabs to build off o...
17 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Building mode - Mass Deconstruction

I tend to replace and rebuild structures as I progress through a playthrough and have found that the process of doing so is extremely tedious. Without the option to build over/upgrade structures, foundations, walls, etc, we're left with the only o...
17 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

work stations

Please allow work stations and augments to be picked up and replaced in houses as they cost a lot of materials to make. relocation of these would be a huge upgrade.
18 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Excellent Enchanter's Focus countdown not showing

Excellent Enchanter's Focus counter not showing up and one just has to wait to know if done or just note of the seconds countdown
18 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Ornate sword, cap bug

Ornate weapons and tools, cap bug. I am using the excellent workbench with augments of shield, crystal ball, training dummy, and blasting machine. Crafting in making Ornate sword with steel blade, bronze guard and t3 wrap of prey & predator. E...
18 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Storage logistics

Hi guys, i've got a suggestion here: In the late game keeping items into the storage becomes a problem simply due to the number of chests and the vast number of items available in the game, after a trip having to run around the storage boxes, open...
about 2 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Vines to place on walls as decoration

Whilst building with regency, i have a craving to place decorative vines on the walls as a decorative option. especially as in real life on these types of buildings, there are a lot of buildings in this style that do have vines growing on them (th...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Reduce size of umbrella on first person POV.

The size on screen that the umbrella takes up is distracting and difficult to bear. Reduce the size of the onscreen umbrella when not gliding. Perhaps have it folded and unfurl when gliding? It takes up about 20% of the screen.
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Cannot Travel to Respite

Within same realm as respite (other side of map). No movement stat effects preventing. No prep message appearing. When I click the button nothing happens. Exited and reopened game; did not fix. Selected Travel To Respite from character menu and it...
6 months ago in Bugs 3 Open