Immured Metal "HP" should not scale with the boss difficulty.
The further you advance in the waves, the longer it takes to mine the immuried metal needed to make the columns. I don't know if this is intentional, but as a result, you spend more time to mine than fighting the boss when you're reach like the 20...
Fireplace can no longer buff beds after Unreal Engine 5.4 Update
Fireplaces used to buff beds (So we - my friend and I) usually build a fireplace around the beds. Since the 5.4 Update this buffs seems to be deleted in general? Fireplaces can't even connect anymore with beds. It would be nice to have this featur...
Please add these missing building pieces to these tilesets
In a recent Q&A, Neil mentioned being willing to chip away at missing building pieces from various tilesets if the community could get a list together. I have 8 lists, one for each tileset. For readability, here's a Sheets link: https://docs.g...
I love the Storied Realms bosses, they were all engaging and had unique mechanics. I'd love to see them appear in higher tiers in some way, Vault seems like the easiest answer. This would also allow some of their materials to be available at highe...
Bosh Rush Freezes on "All is Ready" Loading Screen
I've participated in a Boss Rush once. I completed around 14 rounds, then left. Now when I enter a Boss Rush portal, the loading screen freezes once the "All is Ready" text appears at the bottom right. I've tried closing & re-opening the porta...
I often find I want lighting in an area where there is no wall, but there are columns - normally I'd go with a chandelier, but that doesn't work well for high ceiling areas or porches (want sconces on the outside facing surface of the column)
In current game, my faithful survivor never fails to prioritize fueling the fire with Gilded Lumber before falling back to more mundane Wood Bundles he also happens to have in his pockets, no matter how many times I yell at him about not burning g...
I wuold like to see more biom specific quests and POIs.
Exploration started feeling some what stale after the second biom or so. Having them feel different, unique, would go a long way. e.g forest cleanse, replant trees, etc swamp drain parts, clear weeds, etc desert revive water spring/oasis, etc