When picking up the reward for defeating the sheliak boss fight in Welkin's Reach, the chest seems to have additionally given my party members and I 10x Kephri Scarab Chitin upon removing all from the chest after the fight. The only items listed i...
Previously, when in the crafting menu, ESC backed up one step, as is typical. Now, after the patch, ESC exits the build menu completely. This is very frustrating.
Consumable menu says holding MB5 opens radial after remapping the consumable button, but it's still Q.
Changing the consumable button changes the button to use consumable, but it doesn't change the button to hold down to bring up the radial menu like it says it does in the consumable menu, and there's no option to change it in the settings, either....
When you have used the binoculars, the viewing window often remains small and round, as if you were still looking through the binoculars. Only a change of realm solves the problem
When crafting stuff that needs two of the same part, for example the dauntelss shotgun that needs two Marksman Barel if those barrels are not created with the exact same mats they will not count as a Marksman Barel in the Dauntless Shotgun creatio...
I'm living in one of the houses right out of Sylvan's cradle. Right as you enter. I cannot repair the upstairs wall. I I was able to accidentally destroy it, but I could not repair it, even though I have the tutor. Complete wall tile set.