Could we get a Storage Box, Similar to the Pepys Box. but with the ability to place items inside, and have them available in the partner box in a friends Abeyance/Home realm. I'd imagine most of the infrastructure is already there (pepys box) and ...
I would like to have A bindable key re-enabled to swap between 1st and 3rd person camera instead of having to dig into the menus to grab it. I found this feature really helpful in previous iterations in getting good screen shots on the fly especia...
Request for an Option to Remove Building Limits in Offline Mode
Would it be possible to add an option to remove building limits in offline mode? I understand that this limit was created to avoid overloading the servers, but I don't play multiplayer, and the limit only hinders my gameplay since I really enjoy b...
deers, spiders, all kinds of enemies are just moving too fast. One second they are in front, the other in the back, and you have half HP, why? just make the movement normal, lower their speed by 50%
Add Charms to add damage scaling with other attributes outside of melee/ranged damage
A lot of end game crafting looks like it comes down to stacking % damage increase of your choice (ranged/melee) with possibly critical damage % increases, and other stats are mostly passive benefits that you don't actually end up hunting for. Addi...
Items found in fae chests, such as "Marksman Barrel (Pursuit)", have lower stats than those crafted by players. This may lead newer players to inadvertantly make lower quality items because the item has the same name and characteristics as one mad...
It appears that the charm of riposte does not work with the sword. Since the sword's secondary move has been described as a parry/riposte by the devs, the charm should either be made to work with the sword or descriptions of the sword's ability sh...
Let us rename our characters - and maybe companions too!
I would like a feature to rename our characters so we don't have to start over if we have a change of heart about a name we picked. Possibly an option to rename companions too.