It would be nice if the AI for the survivors kept them close to you. I've had multiple occasions where I need to take a quick break to heal or restore my items and my survivor has already run down the stairs to trigger a fight. Having the option f...
A building tile set that I think many people would enjoy is Romanesque style. Perhaps even adding rounded foundations/walls/roofs to the tile pack would add so much character to the game. Many people would love to build an European-style castle in...
Augments stop working when i leave my home realm and come back
So i spent alot of time putting all of my augments down and making sure everything was being used correctly, but everytime i leave me realm and come back none of my workbenches are registering the augments. no traits. the only fix is destroying my...
The escape key should first close the currently focused work bench recipe popup
This: I want to exit the currently selected recipe but stay on the bench, press escape, and am left outside the work bench. It seems more intuitive to first close the recipe popup, and on second press close the work bench altogether
Peaked corner roof bug for bhutan, pagoda, and stave
One side of the peaked corner roof seems to assume it's an endpiece and has an odd roofpiece that can block stairs and doesn't look the best. Examples attached are from the pagoda tileset (with a contrast photo of the normal V roof that doesn't bl...
What about elevators both vertical and horizontal, the same style as they have in conan exiles? And what about instead of just get rid of structures requirementes, we cand craft floating versiones of them? Probably with the use of some special flo...
I noticed that for some reason bows and sling bows have a higher base damage than any of the guns. Which considering the material costs involved seem weird as hell. I mean, sling bows have the highest base damage, and you can make ammo for them fr...
I have a feedback idea that I'd like to run by some other realmwalkers. The idea is that we can purchase an extra charm from the Watch that will allow all tools that use spells to have an extra spell slot called, Charm of Arcane Potency or Charm o...