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Extra Magick

I have a feedback idea that I'd like to run by some other realmwalkers.
The idea is that we can purchase an extra charm from the Watch that will allow all tools that use spells to have an extra spell slot called, Charm of Arcane Potency or Charm of Arcane Force.
Or possibly a new "Ring system", to purchase from the watch, for spell use on top of what we have on tools that can have one spell per ring, so we could use things like "recover" and "ring of power" etc, that could be used via the offhand with a radial dial for selection.

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    • Guest
      Oct 29, 2024

      i like this idea, I quite like the story behind magick being tied to items but i think it could be expanded upon in interesting ways. I also like the idea of having access to a radial menu that shows all spells in one's inventory and ive spoken about it a few times.