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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 20, 2024

Magic weapon tools

I would like to suggest a dedicated spell tool. Instead of placing spells in ordinary tools and guns, a dedicated tool for that job would solve the control issues currently existing in the game. As it stands, my impression is that fireballs are currently the strongest damage implement in the game - IF you have a macro that chains the R key and left mouse buttons in rapid sequence, which I doubt many people thought of. You can dish out up to one fireball per second, possibly depending on server ping (it seems to be slower sometimes). I would very much like to get rid of the dependence on a macro.

Might I suggest a kind of gauntlet, worn on the right hand over the glove, that rapid-fires the chosen spell on a left click and longer charged variants on a right one? Alternatively a kind of magic shield on the right mouse button?

Category Tags Crafting, Combat
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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