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Weird weapon imbalance.

I noticed that for some reason bows and sling bows have a higher base damage than any of the guns. Which considering the material costs involved seem weird as hell. I mean, sling bows have the highest base damage, and you can make ammo for them from stone. Yet guns, which take metal and wood refined several steps, and their ammo which takes rarer materials, do less damage. Was that intentional or a mistake? Because at the moment, outside of fire rate and ammo weight, there's no real reason to make guns. They're expensive, lower damage, and ammo is slightly more difficult to make/get than marble ammo or even arrows.

Category Tags Inventory, Combat, Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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    • Guest
      Sep 23, 2024

      Guns, still too weak, right?

      The guns I made with a lot of thought were almost useless, and it was much faster to beat the boss by hitting him with a randomly made two-handed axe.

      Most of the enemies were going to run at us at high speed anyway, so it was better to hit them.

    • Guest
      Sep 22, 2024

      Guns were nerfed into the ground because of the OP one-shot shenanigans pre-patch (even without the exploit) and had insanely high damage. I get that they needed to be downtuned. What i don't get is, if insane one-shot crazy damage numbers are bad, why then add a new weapon that's in the exact same spot the old guns were, and then make a ludicrously OP magic AoE spam to boot?

      Combat is a mess. Scrap all numbers and start over tbh. Tweaking a couple of dials at this point won't solve the main issue, which seems to be that the different weapons have not been given clear roles and use-cases.

    • Guest
      Sep 22, 2024

      I would definately like to see bows brought down in power to roughly equal where guns are.
      I'd not like to see guns get insane buffs to equal where bows are.

      Make bows more reasonable, they should fill a gap around the weapons and work alongside guns, not replace them

    • Guest
      Sep 20, 2024

      100% agree